Klippon® TB Railway

As an expert in the transmission of power, signals and data, Weidmüller offers safe and reliable connections for the demanding systems in the railway sector with an extensive range of innovative products. Whether in tunnels, in the vehicle or along the track - we offer individual, railway-specific certified solutions consisting of our Klippon® Connect and Klippon® Protect components. In close cooperation with the customer, we develop individual electrical interfaces for the installation and retrofitting of signals and infrastructure as well as for the reliable control, monitoring and communication of train control systems (ETCS & CBTC).  
The products listed below are examples of the wide range of railway applications that we can serve professionally and reliably. Contact us to find the perfect solution for your application together with our engineering team. In addition to individual enclosure configurations, we also carry out special laboratory tests on request and provide support for further certifications.
Klippon® TB Railway